AFRL NASA, Army, NAVAIR GE, Pratt, Honeywell, Hamilton Sundstrand, BAE, Rolls-Royce VAATE Engine


Distributed Engine Controls Working Group (DECWG®) Vision:

Enable affordable distributed engine controls for dual use aeronautic integrated propulsion, power and thermal management system applications that are environmentally robust, reduce weight and volume, permit implementation of advanced control algorithms, that facilitates future modular, scalable and obsolescence-proof control infrastructures.


  • Provide a forum for the US government and aeronautics industry to collaborate, in a pre-competitive environment, on the advancement of technologies required to implement distributed controls in aeronautic propulsion, power and thermal management systems.
  • Leverage the efforts of the US government and private industry, both large and small businesses, to provide the technical skills and funding required to design, build and test representative hardware required for these systems.
  • Promote development of fundamental high temperature electronics and packaging materials required to implement affordable distributed control systems.

Benefits for Affiliate Members:

Industry may join the DECWG® Consortium as Affiliates, participating in one or more Technology Focus Groups (TFGs). Affiliate members collaborate with the TFGs in identifying gaps and technology implementation barriers, and in providing program strategy recommendations to the Governing Board. Affiliates will also provide advice, guidance and recommendations to the Governing Board on projects needed to advance the TFG technology portfolio. Additional opportunities for Affiliates include:

  1. Involvement in TFG project proposal planning teams,
  2. Participation in relevant funded TFG project teams
  3. Guidance for companies preparing and working Small Business Innovative Research projects relevant to DECWG® interests, including introductions for potential individual company support.
  4. Opportunity to be on the ground level to provide the foundational technologies for distributed controls technologies as well as development and establishment of requirements and standards.

Becoming An Affiliate Member:

  1. DECWG® establishes initial Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA) with Candidate, to allow both parties to explore collaboration while protecting respective Intellectual Property.
  2. Candidate presents and discusses interests and capabilities during a Governing Board meeting.
  3. Governing Board reviews application and determines whether or not to invite candidate to join DECWG®.
  4. Governing Board extends offer to join to selected candidates, providing a “New Member Packet” including the DECWG® Joint Collaboration Agreement (JCA).
  5. Candidate reviews, and if acceptable, signs DECWG® JCA.
  6. Payment of Administrative Dues
    • $3K Yearly for participation first TFG
    • $1.5K for participation in each additional TFG
  7. Candidate Becomes Affiliate Member

For further information, please contact:
Greg Follen

The Ohio Aerospace Institute serves as the facilitator and administrator to DECWG®.