Distributed Engine Controls Technologies
- Partially Distributed Intelligent Control System
- PHM ( system level vs subsystem level PHM, Prognostic advisor, Physic-based damage & fault model, statistical-based fault model (MBC), Integrated C&EHM)
- Mission Optimization (CBM+, LEC, etc.)
- Service Optimization (part replacement, predicting failure, time of replacement, prediction & accommodation, detection & isolation)
- FADEC Thermal Management System
- Active Cooling System for Electronics Durability
- High Temperature Sensor System (T3, T4, T5, TEGT, etc)
- High Temperature Actuator Technology
- High Temperature Actuation System for High Mach Applications
- High Temperature Sensors
- Electric C&A Technologies – pump motors, actuation system, controller
- Active Control Support for Other Components - Active Clearance Control for Turbine. & Compressor), Active Stall and Combustor Control, Engine Thermal Management System, Fluidic Control, etc.
- Simplified robust high temperature Low-Cost Fuel Metering Unit for small Turboshaft, Turbofan, UAV applications
- Robust Simplified, High Efficiency Turbofan Fuel System
- Robust, High Accuracy Torque Sensor
- Accessories diagnostics and prognostics (VHF diagnostics)
Software/Control Logic
- Integrated Control and Engine Health Management System
- Autonomous Propulsion Control Technology for Unmanned Applications
- Model-Based Control & Diagnostics for Turbo-Shaft Engine
- Electrical System
- Advanced Control Logic (Model Predictive control, Model based control &PHM, Adaptive/active control)
- Fuel & Hydraulic System (VDVP, Simplified FPMU, High temperature Actuators for Scramjet, etc)
- Advanced Turbine Clearance Control System (tip clearance sensors, LEC, active/passive clearance control
- Sensing technologies (smart sensor, high temperature sensors, wireless sensors, microwave sensors, electrostatic sensors) for PHM and controls
- PHM technologies (Real-time PHM, debris monitoring, Exhaust monitoring, vibration monitoring, MB PHM, reasoners, models, signal processing) hardware/software)
Distributed Open Software (DOS) Hierarchical
Architectures for Control Systems