Industry may join the DECWG® Consortium as Affiliates, participating in one or more Technology Focus Groups (TFGs). The TFGs shown below are active and forming teams.
Affiliate members collaborate with the TFGs in identifying gaps and technology implementation barriers, and in providing program strategy recommendations to the Governing Board. Affiliates will also provide advice, guidance and recommendations to the Governing Board on projects needed to advance the TFG technology portfolio. Additional opportunities for Affiliates include:
- Involvement in TFG project proposal planning teams
- Participation in relevant funded TFG project teams
- Guidance for companies preparing and working Small Business Innovative Research projects relevant to DECWG® interests, including introductions for potential individual company support.
- Opportunity to be on the ground level to provide the foundational technologies for distributed controls technologies as well as development and establishment of requirements and standards.
- DECWG® establishes initial Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA) with Candidate, to allow both parties to explore collaboration while protecting respective Intellectual Property.
- Candidate presents and discusses interests and capabilities during a Governing Board meeting.
- Governing Board reviews application and determines whether or not to invite candidate to join DECWG®.
- Governing Board extends offer to join to selected candidates, providing a “New Member Packet” including the DECWG® Joint Collaboration Agreement (JCA).
- Candidate reviews, and if acceptable, signs DECWG® JCA.
- Payment of Administrative Dues
- $3K Yearly for participation first TFG
- $1.5K for participation in each additional TFG
- Candidate Becomes Affiliate Member
- Candidate has existing resources to allow contribution to DECWG® activities.
- Candidate’s resources are aligned to support DECWG® goals (technology, products, or work focus areas).
- Candidate has knowledge and/or experience helpful to DECWG®.
- Knowledge in technology and/or products related to DECWG® objectives (e.g. high integrity networks, high temperature electronics or packaging, etc.).
- Experience in use and end applications of DECWG® technology (e.g. engines, airframes, certification, etc).
- Candidate is willing to actively participate and contribute to DECWG® meetings and completion of DECWG® tasks.
- Participate in at least one (or more) Technical Focus Groups.
- Make significant contributions toward completion of DECWG® work tasks (not merely a passive observer).
- Candidate must be capable of protecting sensitive information.
- Must have active Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement (DD2345) in place with the U.S. Government.
- All participants in DECWG® activities must be United States Persons.
- Membership to the DECWG® consortium is on a year-to-year fee basis.
- Affiliate is not obligated to renew membership in DECWG® and may end membership at the end of the current year.
- DECWG® Governing Board can vote to not renew membership if Affiliate is not contributing toward DECWG® objectives.